Why Is My Bone Density Low?
I’m going through and answering a bunch of questions that you guys have sent me. You can always send me those questions. I love that. Click on the link down below, and we’ll answer them. Here’s one from Michael: “I was told that I have low bone density. How do I correct this? I have taken vitamin D for a while but my blood tests are now showing that my vitamin levels are normal, but my bone density is not going up. What is that? Do I have that? Why am I still tired all the time?”
Making Denser Bones
Number one, don’t stop taking your vitamins, but number two, you need to challenge and stress your body. Did you know that when you go to the gym and you work out, you’re actually stressing those muscles and that stress breaks those muscles down a little bit. Then your body, with the right nutrients, builds that back up and makes that muscle bigger and stronger.
Your bones are the same way. It’s called Wolf’s law. When a bone gets stressed, as long as it has the right nutrients, then over time what it’ll do is it’ll get thicker and stronger. So I would encourage you to start doing some easy movement activities. If you’re not used to exercising, start going for a walk every day. Start walking up and down hills. No jogging or running needed. Just a good brisk walk. And then start doing some resistance training, even if it’s just some puships and some curls or easy squats. Light easy stuff is what you need to do.
Getting More Energy
If you’re still tired, it’s probably dietary related. So let me give you another suggestion. Keep with your vitamins and nutrients; that’s very important. Make sure you’re eating a true balanced diet for adults. I like the Mediterranean type diet foods. You can simply Google Mediterranean lifestyle. Lots of good fats, dark leafy green vegetables, healthy and clean proteins, all that kind of stuff is in there.
That’s a really good diet for the majority of people on this. I also recommend that you start getting your body moving. That’s a big deal. But intermittent fasting with the movement and with the Mediterranean diet is a game changer. Just go to two meals a day and stop eating breakfast. Have your lunch and dinner within about a 4 – 6 hour window.
Healing takes time. It takes at least 90 days to make a change in physiology and 6 months to make that a permanent change.
Plus make sure to drink your water every day. I try to get a gallon of water, and I put at least half a teaspoon to a full teaspoon of pink himalayan salt in the water. I’ll put a squeeze of lemon in it, and shake it up. Then drink that all day long. It helps get your minerals up in your system and it helps take the stress off your liver and your kidneys. It’ll help your body be energized.
Just remember, healing takes time. It takes at least 90 days to make a change in physiology, and 6 months to make that a permanent change. It takes about 12 – 14 months before your body makes that anew. So give your body the time it takes to heal because most of us have been sick for a long time and we just didn’t really know it.
I hope that helps answer your question. Keep after it. I love and appreciate all the questions you guys send me. Keep sending those to me and I’ll keep answering them. And until we meet again, I’m Dr. Nepute. God bless you. God bless America, and God bless the world. I’ll see you all soon.
I’m planning future lives and want to make sure to talk about what people want to hear. Ask me a question and I’ll answer them soon!
Categories: Q & A | Self Improvement | Food & Drink