Diets are just lifestyle changes
Nobody likes diets, but everybody can understand changing your lifestyle. You are what you consistently do. If you consistently do the right things, you’re going to get a positive result. If you consistently do the wrong things, you’re going to get a negative.
The most dollar to dollar impactful thing to do to really jumpstart and reset your metabolism is our Metabolic Reset Program that we created. This product helps you speed up your metabolism and helps you burn fat as fuel. It helps cravings. It helps your endocrine system get the support it needs. But we do pair that with intermittent fasting. That’s such a powerful thing. If you want to lose weight rapidly and you want to get healthy rapidly, we have got to minimize the window that we eat in.
We’ve been trained to have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. But every time you do that, every time you eat anything, your insulin levels go up. When insulin goes up, fat burning stops. You can’t burn fat. Your hormones go down. So if you go every couple of hours not eating, and you get lightheaded, irritable, or shaky, that’s because your metabolism is not working.
If you want to lose weight rapidly and you want to get healthy rapidly, we have got to minimize the window that we eat in.
We teach you how to reset, repair, and rebuild your health. Not only do we tell you the foods to eat and when to eat it, we also have a proprietary formula that we use. It’s a spray that will help your body to not have those cravings. It’ll keep your energy up. We also teach you how to identify your body type. If you don’t know your body, you can’t specifically tweak your lifestyle to match the nutrition that you need.
We can get the toxins out of your body. Thousands and thousands of people lose hundreds and hundreds of pounds all over the country with this. And in my private practices, we’ve been doing this now for almost 20 years and it has been an absolute game changer.
Just go to There are some videos that I put on there about this program. This is one of the most intense programs out there on the market, but it’s simple. It’s easy. It’s effective. It works, but you’ve got to stick with it. You can learn how to eat for your body, for the rest of your life. And this can be your new lifestyle change.
I’m planning future lives and want to make sure to talk about what people want to hear. Ask me a question and I’ll answer them soon!
Categories: Q & A | Self Improvement